Friends of Frenchie Davis are pissed at 'American Idol' and Antonella Barba. Think back, people, to a long ago season of 'Idol' when an overweight black chick got tossed unceremoniously out on her ass because of some NSFW pics of her found their way back to producers. Sound like a similar situation going on right now? Well sort of. Frenchie Davis got tossed because her pics were paid poses, while Barba's were taken by her boyfriend and were meant for personal use.
Oh the double standard of television land. One girl is white, cute, and arguable couldn't sing her way out of a paper bag, and yet she keeps on keepin' on 'Idol'. The other is overweight, black, and has some killer pipes. This is the double standard that friends of Frenchie are pissed about. Now, the whole hullabaloo has become a national obsession, with news outlets and blogs endlessly running the photos of Barba, as well as the cute singer being the most searched for name on the internet as of late.
Now there is talk of trying to pressure the 'Idol' producers to bring Frenchie back on the show and give her a second chance, especially if Antonella doesn't get voted off this week.
Stay tuned, Idolwatchers!