Make up Your Mind! Married or Splitting Up?

From The Bosh
Almost immediately after reporting yesterday that America's cutest couple, Michelle & Heath, might be secretly married, today I stumble across this article reporting that they might be splitting up. Make up your minds already!

During last year's awards season, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams were everyone's favorite couple. They were both basking in the glow of their rave reviews for Brokeback Mountain and enjoying the recent birth of their daughter Matilda. Only one year later, the lovers, who have been engaged for some to, but have yet to be married, may be on the verge of a split.

According to sources for Australian tabloid, NW, Heath's work in the new Batman film - he's playing the Joker - may be the cause of their rift. Ledger has been incredibly stressed from filming, says one insider. The snitch revealed, "Michelle thinks Heath's just under too much pressure and taking the role too much to heart. She's been trying to urge him to take a few months off from filming, but he refuses."

Heath's moodiness has even caused him to put off his marrying Michelle indefinitely. Another source adds, "Things between them are the worst they've ever been."