Last weekend I was browsing (drooling) through handmade beads components on ETSY. I was trying SO hard to be good, as I need to be making more of my own beads. But of COURSE, I came across some really cool "shards" by Marsha Neal, and knew I had to have some. Then I saw this "rugged star" and decided I "needed" it, too.. I behaved and stopped there.

To my surprise, I received an e-mail from Marsha on Monday telling me I'd won her weekend giveaway, and could pick out another $50.00, in merchandise!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!
Now THAT'S how Mondays are supposed to be!!!! I was so busy shopping (drooling) on her site, I didn't even notice the giveaway!!! I was SO excited!!! I dove right in and picked out my merchandise. This is the LOVELY package that greeted me today.

Here is her beautiful postcard... (Makes me realize I really need to re-do mine!!)

And along with the post card was this cute little box.

And inside the box were these cute little individually wrapped treasures.....

There is just NOTHING like handmade!!! These little pieces of art are going to truly enhance whatever I make.