by MaryAnn Carroll
....with a sprinkle of color and class..... This great book by Jennifer Heynen, the creator of Jangles Ceramic Beads, could be yours by sharing a little about yourself.....

"What colors do you tend to gravitate to when you
sit down to design and why?"
Mine would be colors that are earthy. The reasons I think that is the case is because I like everything that is rustic and earthy. As a child I was raised in the suburbs, but had friends who lived in the country. I always wished that I could live out there amongst the farm animals, the woods and away from lots of houses, stores and more. As an adult that is what I did..... moved to the country without the cows and horses.... That fantasy disintegrated when I realized that someone more equipped than I needed to be in charge of taking care of all of those farm animals ;o) They were substituted with dogs!!
That works for me.
So..... colors?'s khakis, browns, greens for me....
How about you? always.... If you want to enter more than once you can do that by sharing this giveaway on your facebook, blog, twitter, etc. and come back each time letting us know that you did.