Had a quick in/quick out visit with the doctor on Thursday. (He’s nothing if not “to the point”.)

It seems that my “condition” is BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and just something that I’ll have to get used to living with. Apparently this is just “one of those things” that occurs, comes and goes, and who knows why.

The ear therapy did seem to help, and, combined with the meclizine, I’m driving again. If I get the vertigo bad again I can go in for another therapy treatment. And I’ll use the meclizine as my “fire extinguisher” the way I’m using my nitro pills for my heart. (When my cardiologist gave me the nitro pills he likened them to a fire extinguisher – you have one, but have never used it, but it’s nice to know it’s there in case you need it).

It seems like each day it’s a little better. I can look up farther and down farther before the dizziness begins, but I’m still not about to do a twist and turn of my head. I’m able to roll to my left side to sleep, so that’s nice, and I’m hoping that eventually I’ll be able to roll right without taking a “trip”. Maybe by the end of weekend I’ll be able to lay flat enough to get back into my own bed, although the recliner is becoming quite comfy!

Since I just heard some bad health news about some people I care about, it makes my ditsy dizziness seem minor, indeed.

So I’m just going to “suck it up”, “man up”, keep my head in plane, walk like I’m wearing a neck brace, turn like Frankenstein - and get on with my life.

Here’s hoping now I can get back to painting more – I’ve got several things “in the works” but haven’t gotten anything ready to post yet. But soon . . . .

Thanks to those of you who follow and care!

p.s. I’m still looking for my glasses!