Monarch Butterfly Mani

I have been wanting to do this mani for a while and now that I have nail art pens I decided to do it!! I haven't posted in a couple days due to blogger being down but it is finally back up!! I don't know if there are blue monarch butterflies in nature but I decided to go with blue for this mani! Sorry but there are lots of pictures of this mani because I love it so much!

For this mani I used 2 coats of Sally Hansen HD in Spectrum which is a very pretty duo-chrome! It was very hard to capture but it changes from green to blue to purple depending on the angle you look at it! I then drew on the butterfly design using a black nail art pen. Then I added the white dots using a white nail art pen. I topped the whole thing with a coat of SV. Everyone commented on these nails at work! These nails were definitely a hit. I plan on doing more of these butterfly designs and may possibly do a tutorial for these if anyone would be interested.