Jill Urchak has graced Chicago radio since the mid-1990's. She has been a host, co-host, news reporter and traffic reporter. She has also written some poetry and is an avid White Sox fan.
I have heard Urchak for years, but I first really became a fan during her time at WSCR, when the various hosts made her a part of their shows. I contacted Urchak recently and she answered my questions.
Q-You have done a lot inyour career. If you could pick one dream job (in or out of your fields ofexpertise) what would it be?
JU-That's a tough one. The reason I went into radio was because I love music andwanted to be surrounded by it. My career has encompassed a little of everythingand yet, I always go back to music. My dream job in radio would be to have amusic show that plays a little of everything. The show would concentrate on musicfrom the 60's, 70's and 80's. I would play old clips from the artists, airaudio from each era to accompany each segment. It would be comparable to"TV LAND of RADIO". I'm old school and I think it would bring in anew generation of people. Also, I would bridge the gap between then and now.Music is music and it all ties together eventually! I would LOVE to have my ownshow.
AND if I wasn't in radio, I would work with children who need role models. Ithink teaching Kindergarten would be a blast. Kids are like sponges and are readyto learn. Children keep it real!
Q-Which job (or assignment) made you the most nervous?
JU-I literally just tried out for the Channel 2, CBS Traffic gig for the morningshow. I've done a little TV, but not like this. I was a nervous wreck. Steppingout in front of the camera with all the blinding lights was very intimidating.I'm used to being in a studio in jeans and a T-shirt with nobody watching me.To have your every move watched takes getting used to. I had fun and was incrediblychallenged at the same time. I hope my adrenaline worked for me and not againstme. You get one shot and if you blow it, then you blow it. Yikes!
Q-How did it feel when someone asked for your autograph or recognized you forthe first time?
JU-I thought it was a joke. I was doing a remote for WSCR and some guy wanted myautograph and I kept on asking him...WHY? Why do you want it? I don't get it? Iwas very embarrassed and thought it was a joke. It's very sweet and still blowsme away(not that it happens often). I was at a Sox game and heard some guyscreaming, "Hey Urchak! How's the traffic"? It's flattering and stillsurprising when it happens.
Q-You are a legendary Sox fan. If you could make your all-time favorite lineup, who would you pick?
I don't even know how to answer that question. All I know is that it wouldinclude Alexei Ramirez, A.J. Pierzynski, Paul Konerko and Jim Thome (bring himback). I think if you shuffle those guys around in any order then you can'tlose.
Q-Are you writing more poetry? Any plans in that direction?
JU-I only write if I feel a really strong emotion. I don't just sit and writesomething for the heck of it, I have to be inspired. Thank God for my ex-boyfriend. He gave me so much material (lol). It's true. It was a good way blowoff steam. Writing poetry makes me feel good. It's an outlet that just comesnaturally and it's safe. I'll always write and never stop!
6-What is your favorite vacation spot?
JU-I haven't been to too many places to make a comparison. I can tell you that Las Vegas is the place to be. I'm not a gambler by any means,but Vegas has so much more. In Vegas you can lay out in the sun all day(yourtropical experience), play slots in between(your Vegas experience), see ashow(Broadway experience), shop and people watch. What other vacation spotoffers so much in one location?
It's great to know a bit more about the person behind the voice I have heard for so many years. To learn even more about Urchak, you can go to Chicago Now and check out In Check With Urchak. I really appreciate Urchak's time and thoughtful answers. Thanks, Jill and if you ever land that dream radio job, count me as a listener!
On the Beat With Jill Urchak
Posted by
Jill Urchak,
John Wroblewski,
On the Beat