Tavuchi in Oklahoma!

As I announced before, my friend Tavuchi who owns the "Spank!" shops in Tokyo, came to Oklahoma City for a visit. It was a really good and crazy trip...

It was crazy because we had the biggest snow storm we've probably had in years. In Oklahoma, we're not usually prepared for snow storms like this, there's not enough snow plows, machinery, etc. With that said, everything shuts down. So when Tavuchi first got here, a lot of the thrift shops closed early, due to the weather. So she came over to my apartment, and my sister cooked her biscuits and gravy (Oklahoma style)..She loved it!

This is Tavuchi and I sliding into my apartment! So crazy! +Biscuits and gravy

Another reason Tavuchi came here was to practice her driving, so we drove all around the city in the snow, very slowly!楽しかった!

The next few days we went to many antique stores, thrift stores, and vintage shops. Tavuchi found some great deals...! Including a Unicorn toy, and a huge green teddy bear!

But I think her favorite, for her "personal collection" of treasures, was this crocheted pastel sweater, probably made by a great-grannie Okie.

I was also sure to take her to a great BBQ restaurant!バーベキューを食べた

Crazy snow for Oklahoma!すごい雪!

One of my closest friends also joined us a couple of times. She has a cute etsy store and blog! She has vintage items, and handmade. She will ship internationally too!
http://kimberlydanielle.blogspot.com/-Her blog

The top right is the shape of Oklahoma! 右はオクラホマのshapeです
http://www.etsy.com/shop/kimberlydanielle-Her cute online shop! 私の友達のオンラインストアDanielle and Furby=Great sense of humor. Same face! ダニエルは面白いです.同じ顔!
I really look forward to going back to Tavuchi's shops and seeing some of the things she bought in Oklahoma. Tavuchi is not only extremely influential in the underground street fashion scene in Tokyo, but she is genuinely a super kind and awesome person. I really enjoyed our time together.
And last but not least, Tavuchi is wearing the Lactose Intoler-Art badge I made for her. Thank you so much! Tavuchiは私のピンバッジを着用しています どうもありがとう

Some great links to remember and check out!
http://lactoseintolerart.etsy.com -Here is my online etsy store! I ship international! 私のオンラインストア
http://yaplog.jp/spank-tab/ -Tavuchi's personal online blog!
http://kimberlydanielle.blogspot.com/-Danielle's blog
http://www.etsy.com/shop/kimberlydanielle -Danielle's etsy shop.

-Also, be sure and add my facebook page. I love adding new friends that are interested in my work, street fashion, Tokyo, etc!