I have had a wonderful vacation this holiday season, spending time with BF, making art, going to movies, eating out, going up to the pass for skiing (I make art while BF skis),,and generally just relaxing. Now that my vacation time is over, I want to start the new year with being really productive with my art, I thought it would be a good idea to take the ever so talented Carla Sonheim's online class, "The Art of Silliness", to help me jump start into the new year. I thought if I had a daily plan, and she provides this,,,, it would be a great way to look forward to what the new year brings. I love that she has daily worksheets, like when you were a child in grammar school, to create something new each day. (see that silly guy in my sidebar, that's the link to her class).
My New Years resolution, is to write more on my blog. I am a visual person so its difficult to write about my art,,,but I'm going to make a concentrated effort this year. Sometimes, I feel I have nothing to say, but I always have lots of art to show. So, this year,,,,,I will change that. I'm off to a good start, aren't I?