A Belated Happy Birthday to Dave Blais

I missed it.  I completely missed giving my brother-in-law Dave Blais his moment to shine on this site.  Dave's birthday was December 18 and I had a post scheduled and somehow it never ran.  Apparently there was a time conflict with another post and Dave's lost the battle.  Then I forgot until it was too late.
In an effort to rectify the situation and give Dave his due, I decided to run this now on 1/11/11. On the bright side, with his birthday and holidays long gone, this gives him reason to celebrate one more time.  Whoop it up, big man!
Dave is a great guy and we have had a lot of good times over the years.  I will always cherish the family Vegas trip (although what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas).
Most importantly, Dave is a great sport.  One innocent comment about a juice box has lead to years of torturing by me and others, including imitations, jokes and funny pictures.  (Yes, the family is that petty).  To his credit, Dave takes it all in good humor.
Technically, it isn't your birthday today, Dave, but act like it is and tell them Johngy said it was okay (yes, Johngy's Beat does have that much power).  Most of all know that I appreciate you being a brother-in-law and a friend.
Dave Blais in Mokena, IL-December 2010.