I seem to remember back in high school, I read an essay by a woman writer that was titled, "I Need a Wife". I could use one of those today. It's been a day of trying to keep Colden amused, get the rest of the house cleaned up, get groceries, get to the chiropractor so that my neck doesn't start giving me migraines, do the dishes, cooking dinner... And of course, after Colden had four or five nights in a row of sleeping through the night, last night he was awake four times. I was not a happy girl this morning.
I had a bad day sales-wise at the farmers' market yesterday, and those days always send me into a tailspin. They always seem to come when my ideas are bubbling over, and I'm very motivated to bead, but there's this little voice in the back of my mind that keeps telling me, "Yeah, maybe you should concentrate on selling the inventory you already have!" Ugh. I hate that little voice. One of these days, I'm going to stuff a sock down her throat.
Last night was the first truly COLD night that we have had in a long time. It was below freezing, and when I got up at 2:30 to get Colden a small cup of milk, I nearly froze my toes in the kitchen since the kitchen door and the windows were still wide open! Gack. I finally made Tom get up and close all the windows and pull the curtain between the kitchen and dining room to keep some warm air in the house. It was cold.
Tonight, I'm debating getting into a hot bathtub for a few minutes before I go to bed... If I can stay awake that long.
More beading tomorrow, I hope. I didn't have much of a chance to do anything today except tear apart the stuff I did yesterday because it just flat out sucked.