Is the Material Girl planning to transform herself into plastic? According to Showbizspy.com:
“Madonna has been feeling her age since her divorce from Guy Ritchie in 2008,” a source told Britain’s Daily Star newspaper.
“She’s been dating the model Jesus Luz who is a lot younger than her and she wants to keep looking her best...Her friends have recommended things to have done and she’s considering them as a little treat for turning 52 in August... She wants things to look natural with nothing too radical... She’s still working out seven days a week and because she’s so skinny she feels her cleavage has gone. So her friends think she should go up one size and get them lifted...She’s got some spider veins on her legs that have come with age so she’s planning to get those sorted first and then will spend the next year overhauling herself completely.”
So what do you think Madonna can have that would add up to $200,000? Let's fancy a guess:
1. Revision Facelift: $10,000
2. Facial Fat Grafting: $5000
3. Fractional Laser Treatments: $4000
4. Breast implant revision: $10,000
5. Body skin tightening treatments, such as the Cutera Titan: $4000
6. Spider vein treatments: $2000
7. Botox: $500
8. Filler injections like Perlane: $1000
Wow. We're only at $36,000. What else can she possibly consider? Now we get into the weird and completely unnecessary stuff: 9. Endoscopic browlift: $8000. 10. Revision blepharoplasty: $5000. 11. Laser liposuction to sweat glands of the armpits: $5000. 12. Hand plumping injections: $4000. 13. Batwing reduction: $10,000. 14. Mini tummy tuck: $7000. 15. Designer laser vaginoplasty (yes, some docs actually call it that!): $7000? (My wild guess). 16. Fat injections to buttocks: $10,000. 17. Full body laser hair removal: $8000.
All of this only adds up to $100,000. To get to $200,000, I guess we'll have to add some really crazy things like: 18: Rib removal to thin the torso: $20,000. 19. Leg breaking and lengthening to add an inch of height (we get shorter as we age, you know): $30,000. 20. Second Toe Shortening: $10,000. And a few minor ones: 21. Restylane injections to the feet to help with high heels (check out my CBS Early Show clip on this) $2000. 22. Earlobe shortening: $1000. 23. Injections of her own plasma to her face: $4000. and finally the most bizarre: 24. Creation of wings: $33,000+. TOTAL: $200,000.
Photo credit: cityrag.com
Thanks for reading.Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: