Total Eclipse of the Heart
The first question one encounters when mentioning the Twilight Saga (after the barrage of taunting and insults) is this: Team Edward or Team Jacob?! Personally, I have to say I'm both, I am totally Team Edward in the books, but very Team Jacob in the movies. Noooo, it's not because of Taylor Lautner's 8-pack (though it certainly doesn't hurt), it's because Edward is too brooding and angsty for me in the films, and Jacob has a charismatic quality, sense of humor, and playfulness about him that definitely doesn't show up in the books. While Lautner's acting skills are not, shall we say, 'Oscar-worthy', he does bring a great personality to the screen, and honestly, they shouldn't bother with shirts for him, they're totally unnecessary. (I can say this now that he is technically 'legal' :-P)
Today's nails were much requested, and obviously had to be done. I had a few people request the very same thing... a Jacob vs. Edward manicure, so Libby P. Maria Clara, and Nikki, I hope you approve! :) (but please ignore the cuticles on my right hand- bowling and sewing are tearing them up!!)
Team Edward:
Team Jacob:
I used American Apparel Hassid as a base on all nails but the ring finger on each hand, then applied Nubar Stronghold with Bundle Monster plate BM20. For the edward nails (left hand ring finger), I used topped Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud with one coat of Zoya Alluria. I shaded with a mix of Nubar Stronghold and Zoya Alluria, used a mix of American Apparel Hassid and A Beautiful Life Poison for the lips, a mixture of American Apparel Manila, Zoya Jancyn and MAC Showy for the eyes, and a mixture of MAC Showy and American Apparel Hassid for the brow. Topped off the entire face with CND Sugar Sparkle, because I live in Las Vegas, land of sun, so Edward would look like a damn disco ball. :-D For the Jacob nail, I used Zoya Flowie as a base, Zoya Dea to shade a little for the bicep, and American Apparel Hassid for the tattoo of the wolf pack members. (or at least the best I could do on such a small canvas!! :-P) Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat. :)
Go Team everyone!!! :) (except Victoria...and Riley... and get the point.)
Red, White and Bling
I started with three coats of China Glaze "Snow Me White" - it took that many coats to get it smooth.
Then I did red stripes in Urban Decay's "Fbomb" - which is both ironic and kind of irreverent, but it was the perfect color, I think.
After that, a thicker stripe of blue straight down the center. Two coats of Zoya's "Kotori", one of my favorite sparkly blues.
Obviously, my edges leave a lot to be desired. To straighten them out and add some definition, I used my silver glitter Art Club striper to line the blue.
But wait, there's more! Finally, I put clear rhinestones down the blue, loosely representative of the stars on our flag. I set them in a coat of Seche Vite topcoat.
Then I added two more light coats of Seche Vite to seal, and cleaned 'em up the next morning. I think they're kind of edgy and fun, and they're definitely different than my normal 4th of July designs.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend - stay safe. Next week, it's all about the green, and stencils!
Until then, Happy Polishing...
Susan Boyle - Plastic Surgery?

Every time Susan Boyle returns to the spotlight people speculate whether she's had plastic surgery. She does look SO much better than when she first wowed audiences on Britain's Got Talent. But has she really had plastic surgery to look the way she now does?
Doubt it! Her aesthetician has done a very nice job waxing her previously out-of-control eyebrows, but other than that she's probably just had some nice primping and a fashion makeover. She looks like she just finished a segment of What Not To Wear.
How do I know she hasn't had any real plastic surgery? The one surgery that could really benefit her is a facelift. A few hours under the knife and that double chin would be history. It wouldn't make a lot of sense for a plastic surgeon to operate on anything else on her face.
Plastic surgery or not, she's an amazing singer. I wouldn't be caught dead buying her album (unless it was for my mom) but her voice can even make me get a little weepy (don't tell anyone!).
Photo credit: for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Today I decided to do a newer illustration of one of my favorite and most inspiring people. I had drawn her before, but it was a long time ago. Tavuchi-san is famous for her shops across Tokyo, such as "Spank!," "Ticket to Darling," and a few more. She has been innovative in her own sense of mixing late 1980's fashion into something that is relevant to the fashionable neighborhoods of Tokyo today. One of her shop staff members in the Shibuya store told me that they are also very inspired by Full House. How cool! Tavuchi-san is also a closer friend of a friend known as "Fashion Hayley", a stylish girl from Melbourne who is also very interested in Tokyo street fashion and culture. She was actually the one who got me started blooging. Arigatou Hayley-chan! haha
I was fortunate to meet Tavuchi-san when I went to Japan once. She seemed very sweet and shy! I woud love to meet her again someday...
Tavuchi-san, if you are reading this, I hope you like the new illustration! :)

But, for now, here goes. I've made the first picture extra large so you can see the start at the top of the table.
I began by applying the overall pale wash to dull down the white of the paper, then added the gold trim.
Then I added the flowers on the pots and finished the gold trim (some of which I had missed in the first application).
Cab and Friends in new Love & Guts Video

LOVE & GUTS - NEW YORK from KIRK on Vimeo.
Quite A Buzz (Capra)
Recently, I met Capra at AU Sports in Niles (IL). We were all eager to hear some of his stories and he did not disappoint.
He picked up his second career win in a game in which he batted in the only run scored. He allowed only 3 hits in 8 innings before being relieved by Tug McGraw.
In 1974, Capra went 16-8 with a league-leading ERA of 2.28. This earned him a spot on the All-Star team and a 9th place finish in the Cy Young award voting. He also finished in 20th place in the MVP vote.
One other big moment happened in 1974. Hank Aaron hit home run #715 to break Babe Ruth's record. While Braves pitcher Tom House caught the homer in the bullpen, Capra was right next to House. He kids that he raced over and tried to edge out House.
Capra said that time was crazy. Aaron went through a lot and so did his teammates, but it was all worth it when Aaron broke the record. What a thrilling time.
Everything Isn't Just Black & White
...but these are.:-D
Today's nails are a geometric black & white pattern. I actually painted this on part of my dorm fridge in college! :) (that fridge currently keeps my beverages chilly in the garage!) :)
I used Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud as a base, with American Apparel Hassid for the black. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.
OK- I'm off to go wait in line to see Twilight: Eclipse. Yeah, that's right I'm a nerd. lol
Go Team Undecided!!!
Behind The Lens with WHiteley: Ray Barbee

The 100 Most Powerful Celebrities
Forbes has released a new list of the most powerful celebrities in the world. Oprah Winfrey reigns as number one; and Lady Gaga has catapulted to the number four spot. Here's the top 10 actors, actresses, musicians, and personalities. These hotshots are huge in Hollywood. See the full list HERE.
1 - Oprah Winfrey: $315 M
2 - Beyonce Knowles: $87 M
3 - James Cameron: $210 M
4 - Lady Gaga: $62 M
5 - Tiger Woods: $105 M
6 - Britney Spears: $64 M
7 - U2: $130 M
8 - Sandra Bullock: $56 M
9 - Johnny Depp: $75 M
10 - Madonna: $58 M
Why Are Teens Getting 'Toxed?

Guest Blog
The Blackhawks phenomenal win of the Stabley Cup has sent the Chicagoland residents into a whirlwind of euphoria.
For me, it runs deeper.
I grew up on the grittiness of the Hawks of the 70s--the ultimate sports underdogs. Hockey was the antithesis of the squeaky-clean sports of baseball and basketball. Hawks fans emulated their beloved team's grit and gusto. As a hockey spectator, you bought into an emotional rollercoaster and could count on just as many fights breaking out in the stands as on the ice. They were tough, rough, and uncouth, like some band of boys raised on the mean streets of Chicago and tumbling into a profession that embraced their keen street skills. These emotions, the attitudes this sport elicited, suited my dad perfectly. My dad, an immigrant who felt he landed on the wrong side of the coin toss in life, felt as if the Hawks sluiced the ice just for him.
As a kid, when I heard the iconic Hawks opening song, "Here come the Hawks, the mighty Blackhawks..." (YouTube, please), I would rush from whatever room I was in and slide onto the carpet near my dad who relaxed by lying sideways propped on his arm. I'd hunker down with my Barbie dolls, more interested in hanging with my dad than watching the game. "Shoot! Shoot!" My dad uttered over and over until it was done. He'd laugh devilishly when fights broke out and a Hawk gave it to the other team. If blood emerged, so the better. When they scored, my father would rocket up, rubbing his hands together rapid enough to emit sparks while hoopin' and hollerin'. Their victory was his victory.
My dad passed away six and a half years ago, but he's with me when I find myself doing the things he also loved. I feel him when I am bunched down pulling weeds and feel the soil grit in my nails. I feel him when I cook for people and see the joy in their faces as I serve them.
Throughout the winning playoff game, I heard myself scream, Shoot! Shoot!" over and over as I lay out on my mom's carpet. But most of all I felt him as I witnessed Kane rocketing that puck in a blink right passed the Flyers goalie. His beloved Hawks did it! This is for you pops, I said to myself as we hooped and hollered around the house.
I slipped into my car to head home and the radio announcers were high on the Hawks victory. And then I heard it..."Here come the Hawks, the mighty Blackhawks" sounding scratchy and dated like an old LP. I got chills as I drifted back to the living room floor years back.
They made it, dad. They made it. Enjoy.
Remember to Eat Your 5 a Day!
Taco Bell has lettuce, so that counts...right?
I've had the idea for this manicure for a while now, I figured that since the recommended daily consumption of fruits & vegetables is 5, and I have 5 fingers on each hand, that it worked out perfectly. :) I, of course, don't eat vegetables... unless you're my mom that is reading this, which in that case, I eat 10 servings a day– probably more! :) (but only if Taco Bell lettuce counts...or ketchup on burgers?)
I used:
Thumb: Asparagus (this I actually DO eat, and really like)
ULTA Banana Rum in the Sun as a base, with a mixture of CND Green Scene and ULTA Limelight for the stalks, and added American Apparel Hassid to that for the spear end, with small touches of straight CND Green Scene on top.
Index: Carrots (again, I enjoy these, and used to gnaw on them all the time with my dad as a kid)
CND Electric Orange as a base, then mixed with China Glaze Salsa for the shading, and Zoya Jancyn for the highlight. For the blue background, I used Zoya Robyn and for the carrot top, I used CND Green Scene.
Middle: Green Apple (love these if they're Granny Smith)
American Apparel Butter as a base, with a mix of that and ULTA Limelight for the inner core line, ULTA Limelight for the peel, MAC Showy for the seeds and stem, and CND Green Scene for the background.
Ring: Red Pepper (key ingredient in Sunshine stirfry- which Jacquie will remember)
Zoya Robyn for the background, China Glaze Salsa for the base color of the pepper, then mixed with Zoya Jancyn to highlight and American Apparel Hassid to shade. For the stem, I used CND Green Scene.
Pinky: Corn (I miss fresh from the farm corn on the cob!!)
American Apparel Manila as a base, then with Zoya Jancyn for shading next to the husk and between kernels, then a mix of American Apparel Manila and American Apparel Butter for the highlight on the kernels. For the husk, I used CND Green Scene, then mixed with American Apparel Butter for the husk highlights.
Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.
Now that you've got your dose of fruits and vegetables for the day, you're free to eat something a bit tastier- like chocolate, or maybe steak.
Journal page
Daffodils and Fruit, fluid acrylic, 16x20
Vans All up in the new the

Pnut Vans Video at Color

Friendly Encounters
I have featured members of the Gekas family here before. I have even featured Chief Pellum previously in this spot. Today, I am featuring 2 different members of the Gekas family, along with the Chief.
The eldest daughter of Chuck T. Gekas (aka Chachi) is Christine, who is married to Jim Pellum. Jim and Christine have become pool stalwarts in the last few years. Jim has even recruited several more members of his family to the pools. The more the merrier, except when creating side-bets within the pool.
Back to my point though, Jim and Christine brought their dog Chief Pellum to a recent White Sox game. I heard that the Chief was not too impressed with the lineup. Chief was impressed with Mike Maddux, pitching coach for the Texas Rangers. Apparently, Maddux was impressed with the Chief, as he said, "That's a great lookin' dog."
I am a bit jealous. I have met many celebrities, but none have called me "great looking"! Still, I am a big enough man to not let that get in the way of a great Friendly Encounter picture.
Doctor Who at Glastonbury 2010

Matt Smith as the Doctor has been an absolutely inspired bit of casting, and here he is at Glastonbury 2010 with Orbital, doing the only song of theirs I like (and it's not even theirs). I especially love the fact it's the Radiophonically Workshopped version they sample:
Cover: 2000AD Prog 1686
This is my cover for 2000AD Prog 1686, entitled "Borough Boys":
As always, it started with 3 sketches based on Thargs brief:
With one chosen, I went on to take some reference photos (hey, no laughing at the back! All artists use some kind of reference) :

Amazing what you can do with an old suit, raincoat,
dressing gown belt, plastic rifle and
pulling a few Les Dawson faces.
I'd read that Savage was originally based on Stanley Baker, one of the great physical British (specifically Welsh) actors from the 60s/ 70s. So it made sense to get appropriate reference:
Then it was over to the computer for final image and paint-up. Here's the piece minus the logos and stuff:

As the great Gene Hunt said:
"Don’t move, you’re surrounded by armed bastards!"
Twigs & Berries
:-D Sounds like a much more 'interesting' post than it probably will be. ;) Camping kicked my ass, I napped pretty much as soon as I stepped out of the shower after getting home today. I fulfilled my S'mores and toasted marshmallow craving (for now), with a 5 s'mores, and 7 toasted marshmallows (2 of which I ate with breakfast). :-D I also cooked 'tin foil' dinners, which I made by slicing potatoes, onions, chopping garlic, sliced smoked sausage, butter, salt, and pepper and putting it in a tin foil 'pouch' and placing them on the grate over the fire. I also cooked baked potatoes by wrapping them in tin foil an dputting them IN the fire for an hour- they were amazing.
Today's nails are a simple design that kind of remind me of nature- twigs & berries to be specific. :-D
I used MAC In the Buff as a base with Bundle Monster plate BM06 used to apply A Beautiful Life Poison. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.
The potatoes right after they were out of the coals/fire:
My potato! (butter, salt & pepper)
And my latest iPhone case creation, thinking of selling them on etsy, thoughts? (it even has a pocket for credit cards!)
Happy summer nails
I missed you all week long, because i had this gorgeous manicure to share with you. And guess what? I even have a matching tows. In fact tows came out first and i really loved how this idea looked so i decided to make a matching manicure. This is not exact match but kind of look alike and made with the same base color and same decals. I really like the 3D effect that this yellow circle added to the design.
By the way this gorgeous base color is an amazing Zoya "Robin" from summer Flash collection.
So here are my tows and nail and i hope you ll enjoy, i had a blast wearing this sweet bright pair this week. Have a great week, and stay tuned next Sunday :)

My Bead Soup Piece is FINALLY Done!
It's finally done! My Bead Soup piece is complete! I had so much fun making this piece, mainly because I used that gorgeous Venetian glass focal and a gorgeous Venetian glass clasp that I normally wouldn't use.
From the wonderful helping of soup I received from Ann Rishell, I chose the Venetian glass focal and clasp, the strand of beautiful white freshwater pearls, and two of the different types of seed beads.
I have been reading a lot of books about the history of England lately, and the two that I finished while working on this piece were a biography of Elizabeth I and a critical examination of the events and circumstances that led to the downfall and execution of Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boelyn. Both were fascinating, and the whole time I was reading them, I was daydreaming about the clothes and jewelry that the English royals wore. That was when I took a good, long look at that Venetian glass focal and I thought how much it looked like a gem that wouldn't look out of place around the neck of a queen.
This is a closeup of this incredible sterling silver and glass clasp that was included in my soup. Now that I've used a clasp like this, I can see myself buying more of these to use in future designs! Oh, my!
Here's a not-so-good photo of what it looks like on a necklace bust. This piece was definitely a challenge for me. I didn't want the bare thread from the two double spiral ropes to rub up against the edges of the glass focal, so I had to figure out a way to get both ends into a set of tiny size 15 beads that I passed through the center of the focal bead. Finally, after quite a few pokes from my beading needles and a lot of swearing (!), I got it secured. And it looks marvelous!
I so enjoyed the whole bead soup swap party, I can't wait for the next round! I would definitely participate in this again, and I would really encourage anyone who is interested to sign up and give it a go. It was really a great way to stretch my creativity a bit and work outside my comfort zone with materials that I normally wouldn't choose. The best thing I took away from this experience is that now I feel like I've "discovered" a whole new set of materials that I enjoy working with.
And on that note, now that Colden is finally asleep and my indigestion from dinner has finally simmered down, I am going to try to get some rest!