LD had placed 7 of the cats in a no-kill shelter. We found a girl cat in a closet. We weren't even sure there was another, but we left food and a safe trap. The next day, we found a handsome orange tabby sitting there waiting for us.
LD kept the 2 cats for a couple weeks and I agreed to foster them until a proper home could be found. Within a few days, I realized I could not let them go.
We named the boy Crush. Ironically, he had the same ear condition that my previous cat Iggy had. I guess it was destined to be.
They both turned out to be sweet cats (which was surprising, considering the condition in which they lived). Crush was a big eater and a caterwauler. Initially he was annoyed by GiGi's pokes at him, but they soon formed a good relationship.
Sadly, yesterday morning I found Crush's lifeless body. It turns out that he died of a heart attack, seemingly in his sleep and quickly. I wish we had more time together. I wish he had the chance to enjoy his new home and life. I am grateful that I helped him last year and gave him a better life.
It was short, but sweet, Crush. Go find Iggy and have a good time. You deserve some fun, big guy!