They're Baaaaaaaaack

Mike North and Dan Jiggetts are back on tv starting today. Their show, Monsters of the Morning, will air live on Comcast SportsNet Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. North and Jiggetts did a radio show together years ago on WSCR. Recently, they have teamed to do a show on the web.
Jiggetts played for the Chicago Bears for 7 seasons. He was part of the offensive line which opened holes for the great Walter Payton. He has been a media fixture in Chicago for years.
North is a hotdog vendor turned successful sports talk show host. In a somewhat surprising development, North (a Score original) and WSCR parted ways several months ago. North had been the face of the Score. Heck, many feel North was the Score.
North has had his share of critics over the years, but I like Pappy! I have met him several times at various charity events (which he helped organize) as well as at Tony's Deli in Edison Park (IL). North could not have been any nicer. Despite many demands for his time, North (and his wife BeBe) always takes time for the fans.
Dan Jiggetts and me and Mike North and me in Arlington Heights, IL-late 90's.