Sunlit Pears – January 1, 2008 and July 5, 2008
Sunlit Pears 2 – January 16, 2008 and May 6, 2008
Roses and Blue Fiestaware Pitcher on Quilt – March 12, 2008
Grandpa’s Shaving Mug With Roses – March 26, 2008
Bag of Apples – May 30, 2008
Pears and Lace – July 22, 2008
. . . here is another casein painting. In order to try something a little different, this painting utilizes casein emulsion in some areas to get more of an “oil painting” look to the painting.
Since I thought the cup would be the hardest thing to do, I began with it, then the flower. I was worried about how to do the book pages, but they were actually easy – just used a flat brush and swiped it along in the direction of the pages using yellow ochre. Then I added an indication of the worn edges of the binding with raw sienna “smooshed” on. Last I added areas of shadows on the lace.
I’m very pleased with the start of the painting.