Well, they finally did!
(Normally my posts are art related, but not this one).
Last week my husband and son drove to Massachusetts and New York to pick up four Devon cattle heifers. He’s been preparing for their arrival for months, installing water taps, perimeter and electric fencing, planting pasture and building a corral. He’s embarking on his second career – Cattle Rancher!!

I couldn’t resist purchasing the appropriate cattleman’s hat and embellishing it with a purple feather puff – purple for the Cincinnati Elder Panthers (for you Cincinnatians who might be reading this) - he does truly bleed purple!!! That was his surprise when he got home from the trip. Another surprise was dangling from his key chain – a cute little cow with a button on its head that, when pushed, lights up its nose and makes it go “moooooooooooooooo”. (Took him a while to figure out that it was on his key chain, too!!!). (There will be another surprise for him some time in the future – Mike, if you read this be afraid, be very afraid!)

The “girls” should be with us for some time as our brood cows. I was going to name them, and turns out that at least two of them already have names – Sunshine and Erin!! Either the other two have no name, or I just haven’t gotten close enough to them to read their “earrings”. They are pretty docile so far (but I’m not planning on getting close enough to test this theory since, even though not full grown, they are mighty big). And, so far, I have not had a shocking experience with the electric fence, but I’m sure it will happen one of these days (lucky me).
Meet Erin (or is it Sunshine???)Some day, in the far distant future, after calves are born and raised, we will be involved in Grassfed Beef Farming (we hope). But for now we are all (including the dog) just getting to know one another.

From time to time I’m sure that some odd or bizarre event will occur with these bovines (or husband) especially if they prove to be as brilliant as chickens.
(In re-reading that sentence it appears that I’m referring to both the cows and husband as not Mensa members – you be the judge!).
I’ll keep you posted!