Amazing Unexpected find .

Today i wasn't planning on going out and wasn't planning of finding something interesting . I decided to go out for food . Guided by my stomach i went on my way to the grocery store but my curiosity grew when i approaching the shopping mall and decided to stop by a 1$ store to see if there was any Victorian style stuff, just for fun . When i stumbled upon this amazing unexpected find :

A old wooden and leather travel case with some brass :

When i saw it i wasn't planning on spending 50$ . I wasn't sure if it was a necessary investment but i got inspired . I could use the suitcase to display my steampunk ring during the few events we will be attending a the end of this month . I really like the old fashion lock on this case . I wasn't sure until i opened the case and looked inside .

To my surprise i found a smaller suitcase inside the bigger one , now the deal was closed
I bought it !!!!

Im thinking of slightly modifying one of them with some mysterious technology.
To be continued ....
Soon or Later .