Started my fall class at Dunham yesterday and had almost a full complement, even with the weather problems and power outages. It was odd driving in town - going down the main streets there would be an area with power, then one without, one with, etc. In an area where I was sure most of the big, old trees would be down, there were just some large branches missing, but some of the small, young trees pulled out by the roots. You wouldn’t think it would be so random.
Since we are a class of all “ladies” this time, we are painting a close up of a peony (what is it with me and peonies??? Now that I think of it, I have always loved them, and when my husband and I were dating and first married he would sometime pick one from the bushes at his mom’s house and bring it to me).
Anyway, this is a painting similar to the one we are doing in class.