I ordered some star-shaped rhinestones awhile ago, but they haven’t arrived yet (I’ll have to check on them). Bummer! So no stars for my blue tips this week (thought the Kotori is quite glittery). I still think they turned out pretty patriotic though.
What I used:
2 coats Zoya Anchor base coat
1 coat China Glaze “Red Pearl”
White Stripe Rite polish for stripes
2 coats Zoya “Kotori” blue for tips
2 coats Zoya Armor top coat
I made the tips thick on purpose, to give them some added dimension, and also to protect them. Several of my nails are still growing out from the unfortunate mulch incident a few weeks back, and the breaks have mostly grown out to where I could cut them off, but now they’re prone to snagging as the last remnants grow out. Every time I snag them on something, it breaks again and the cycle continues, so hopefully with thick polish on the tips, they’ll be protected and looking much better next week!