I am honored to have some of my work appear in both Expose 6 from Ballistic Publishing, as well as in It's Art Magazine Gallery Selection Year In Review Issue 1 2008.
I've spent the past year and a half working on Pixar's latest film Wall-e, modeling and texturing environments, which is out in the US on June 27th 2008. Check it out.
Added a few new images to the gallery, including a rock test...
A new speed painting called "Armada".
I also added a test of a fire hydrant, which is one of the examples I'll be showing off during my Siggraph 2008 Autodesk MasterClasses on Shading and Texturing. For tickets, go here.
Visit http://www.neilblevins.com to get more info on the work.
Thanks to everyone for your support!