Kim Kardashian was filmed undergoing anti-cellulite treatments on her E! Television reality show. Here is a link to the video on the great Celebrity Smack! blog.
The three most common cellulite treatments are Velasmooth (which Kim had), Dermosonic, and Endermologie. All of them employ a deep tissue massage with various other treatments. I am partial to Dermosonic, which I have in my office, although I think they all work. Dermosonic combines external ultrasound treatments with a deep tissue massage using mechanical rollers.
Unfortunately, I don't know of ANY permanent cellulite eradicator. Most treatments provide for the "temporary reduction of the appearance of cellulite." This means that the treatments must continue to a certain extent for the results to continue. But feel assured, even a glamorous young Hollywood star like Kim Kardashian has cellulite!
To view a video of an anti-cellulite treatment we did for local Fox 2 News, click here.
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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Kim Kardashian and Anti-Cellulite Treatments
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Anti-Cellulite Treatments,
Kim Kardashian