Not only am I one of the featured artists in the latest offering from the Sampler, but I had the honor to meet and sit on a panel at Craft Con with Marie Kare, the original mastermind behind the Sampler, an ingenious marketing tool for independent crafters.
On the panel, I was presenting information on the artist collective of which I am a founding member: the Couchfire Collective. The presentation including the history of the group, its mission, and the rewards and challenges of being part of a growing endeavor. Soon to be available online, a podcast of the presentation. I'll post a link when it is ready for listening! I hope I didn't make a fool of myself!
Columbus City Sampler: As seen on Featuring an array of handmade items from Columbus Ohio, on sale now, at the Sampler.
My contribution to the collection was fifty pairs of copper and oxidized sterling silver earrings. These earrings will soon also be available in my Etsy shop.