The Indoor Art Show

Since I told you about the bad shows I’ve done, feel I must say a word or two about the latest indoor show which occurred over the weekend. But, numbskull that I am, took no pictures – so no attached picture here. (For an artist, I’m not very visual recently).

The show was at the same church as last year (see my previous blog “Outdoor Shows . . .) but my location inside was so much better – first floor (only one step up/down to carry things); I was able to park my car just outside which made carrying out so much nicer at the end of the show; and I took less to begin with. Additionally, there really were more true artists/artisans this year, not crafts. And the weather was better.

My booth was just inside the door of a large room with 13 vendors and the “snack bar”. I angled my table so as not to impede traffic flow and did a demo all day long, which engaged some people in conversation. There was an almost constant stream of people, many of whom stopped to watch me paint or browsed through my sales items.

By the end of the day I had spoken to quite a few people, both other artists I knew as well as potential customers. The fact that a well known artist was doing demos in the main area of the show, but people were still coming to me asking about classes and picking up information gave me a good feeling, too.

Quite a few business cards and brochures were taken or handed out and I sold a whopping $37.50 in note cards (500% increase over last year’s sales!). At least this year I paid for my fuel and taking my husband out to dinner the night before for helping me to set up!

Of course, I won’t really know how successful the show was for a while – if people come to classes or call for commissions, that’s when I’ll find out how I really did.

All in all, not a bad day.