The parents of Amy Winehouse's husband Blake Fielder-Civil have made an impassioned plea for their son and the singer to stop taking drugs before one or both of them die. Georgette Fielder-Civil told the BBC, "I think they both need to get medical help before one of them, if not both of them, eventually will die." Fielder-Civil's husband, Giles, also noted that his son and Winehouse - recently photographed with blood on her clothes, face and shoes - were "very close... If one dies through substance abuse, the other may commit suicide." Both the Fielder-Civils and Winehouse's father, Mitch Winehouse, spoke out as both families grapple with the reality of the young couple's drug use. Giles Fielder-Civil told the BBC that he believed his son and daughter-in-law used cocaine, crack cocaine and possibly heroin, and added: "Georgette and I both believe that they are drug addicts, and they don't believe they are. I think they believe they are recreational users of drugs, and they are in control, but it seems to Georgette and I that this isn't the case." The couple went on to propose that fans should help by refusing to buy Winehouse's records. "It's a possibility, to send that message." As for last week's photos of the young couple, the elder Winehouse told the BBC, "I thought that here are two people that are completely out of control. As a parent it was sickening, worse than sickening."