The international three ring circus that is Brangelina, goes on.
Swirling rumors of yet another adoption of an orphaned child, this time from Vietnam, are going ahead as originally reported. After blogs and news websites reported on the adoption papers being filed, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's reps attempted to quash the rumors by saying no such adoption was taking place. Today those stories are swirling once again. However this time the stories say that Jolie has filed the papers to adopt as a single parent. So that begs the question of what the state of her relationship is with Brad Pitt, who has legally given the other three kids his last name.
Is Brangelina falling apart after the death of Angelina's mother, Marcheline Bertrand? Is Brad unable to cope with her emotional wall and dramatic weight loss as a result of her stress?
Stay tuned for more of 'As the Brangelina World Turns...'