The first person I called was Mary Jane. I was still screaming and hyperventilating, and I had to grab a glass of white wine to calm myself down, and Tom said to me, "Maybe you shouldn't call Mary Jane until after you've calmed down." I said, "Yeah, you're probably right," and then, after a few seconds of sheer giddiness, I said, "Nah, you're wrong, I'm calling her RIGHT NOW!" So, after I finished giggling down the phone to her, I went back upstairs to finish cooking dinner and just giggled some more. "I'm on the cover. Hee hee. Did I mention I was on the cover?"
It's one of those things. You don't want to be so arrogant as to think that YOUR work would look fabulous on the cover of a magazine, even when secretly, you really believe in it and in yourself. And then something like this comes along and you think, "Okay, no more secrets! My work is good enough for Interweave Press to stick smack dab on the cover of a leading beading publication!" Woa!
And to think that yesterday I was completely down in the dumps for getting my work rejected by a major museum gift shop down in NYC. Bah! Who needs 'em? In a few years, they'll be begging me!
I think this means I have to start applying to more fine craft shows. I think I may have something here...